Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Track Walking - Where is your Galt's gulch?

I've got an Exam this week so posting might take a back seat for a couple of days. So to fill the time, I'll ask this question.

Where is your Galt's gulch?

If you were to set up a LFC state anywhere in the world today, as it is today where would you look to do that? Would it be in a failed state, an isolated wilderness, the ocean or some other place?


  1. Either on the bottom of the ocean or on an artificial or artificially enlarged island or in a terraformed part of a dessert. So many possibilities. The real question is not "where?" but "with whom?"

  2. But the where is almost as important as the whom. So many things rely on (as they say in Real estate... Location, location, location.

    Industry needs raw materials, trade is assisted by proximity, people don't want to live in a nowhere...

  3. Right now, there are very few choices available simply because of the overwhelming reach of State power.

    As Zip says, desirable real estate is needed, and the people who live there will certainly use all their resources to defend it. On the other hand, if your ocean platform or whatever is starting to attract too many skilled and talented people and investment dollars, governments will send their fleets and Marines to seize the goods (they already do this in principle to you in your own house, seizing people's property at sea will be child's play).

    The only "start up" that is safe is one where the State has no effective jurisdiction. The Internet provides one place where a distributed republic can come into being (and it is interesting to note that things like massive multi player games have internal economies that interact with the "real world", so on line economies with Free Banking are not outside the realm of possibility).

    Sadly, if you want a physical location to hang out with your friends the only place I can think of that satisfies the requirements of desirable real estate, resources and separation from State power would be a Near Earth Object; small asteroids that orbit between Venus and Mars. While the delta V to get to most known NEO's is actually less than needed get to the Moon, I will leave the mechanics of that option as an exercise for the reader......
